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Divine Healing is a space for providing loving support to those who are:

Ready to journey on a path of self-discovery
Open to receiving guidance, healing and whatever else is possible for their highest good
Willing to help themselves and put in the effort to align mind and heart


One-on-one sessions provides individuals with guidance and tools to help them heal through their challenges, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually and bring about growth and transformation in their lives.


A range of products that provide support, inspiration and healing: Incense, Aromafume products, Smudge sticks, Bath salts, Soylites candles, Healing Oils and Aura sprays, Himalayan salt lamps and more…


  • Events Divine Circles, Workshops & Retreats

    See event schedule.

  • Yoga Class Beginner Hatha Yoga

    Intimate class of 6 people. Saturdays @ 8am & 9am, Wednesdays @ 5pm.
    To check availability/book , kindly message/whatsapp 0827176669.


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