Hatha Yoga for Beginners


Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means union. Yoga is the union of breath, body and mind. Yoga is the Union of Self.

Yoga transcends every religion and culture. Yoga is for everyone, regardless your age, gender, race, religion physical level or disabilities.

Yoga not only helps the physical body be more flexible but also works on all systems of the body. And it goes beyond the physical body where it helps to deal with emotions and manages the mental aspects of ourselves through the movements with support of the breath.

The yoga I teach is rooted from Hatha yoga – a gentle yet powerful discipline uniting the body, breath, and mind with complete awareness. A powerful meditative flow based on the eight limbs of yoga aimed at moving from a state of effort to an effortless experience of yoga

Yoga is uniting with the Self, it helps to bring about a state of harmony at every level of our existence.

Some things to keep in mind when practicing yoga:

– It is recommended to have an empty stomach and bladder
– Wear comfortable clothes to allow movement
– Listen to your body – the only competition is with yourself
– Don’t be lazy & Keep smiling

If you are new to yoga or would like to perfect your basic asana’s feel free to join my classes.

Yoga class includes:

– Energising breathing technique
– Warm up and Yoga Asana’s
– Relaxation & Yoga Nidra
– Meditation
– Relaxation breathing technique


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