We are living in an interesting time period at the moment, pushing us in different directions, triggering us in different ways however also making us appreciate things we previously took for granted.

There are these moments when we can appreciate and be grateful however we can easily be reeled  back  into experiencing the negative effects in some way – feelings of isolation, unemployment/loss of income, hunger, lack of freedom of movement, lack of human touch, restricted from seeing/visiting loved ones and so much more.

This may lead into being resistant to how things are unfolding – however this resistance will only cause more struggle and suffering.

“What you resist shall persist”

Yes, the situation and circumstances are out of our control, so to remain in your power, look at what is in your control.

How can you best utilise what is in your control to support you and help you manage your circumstances better? In this way you reduce the resistance and flow with the experience with more ease.

This may result in reduced stress and fear allowing you to be more mindful and present. You may even have a change in perspective that could bring about lighter and rewarding qualities in you such as patience, tolerance, humility, compassion, kindness, strength, courage and the list can go on…

Remember you are a powerful limitless being with infinite potential regardless of your circumstances. Listen to the voice of Hope. Connect to your inner strength and believe in yourself!

Additional reflection to help you dig deeper, grow and gain the most out of our current circumstances, answer the following honestly (no excuses and no being in victim mode):

  • With all that is going on, how can I simply my life?
  • What boundaries do I need to put into place?
  • What is truly important to me?
  • What is triggering me? What feelings are surfacing from these triggers?
  • Identify how far back do each of these feelings go (i.e. when did I first experience this feeling)?
  • What is the worst thing about feeling this feeling? Or what is my belief about this feeling?
  • How do I gain from feeling this way or how does this feeling serve me (logically it may not however sub-consciously it does)?

Life is forever changing, it’s up to us to find the deeper meaning in it all. No matter what life bestows upon us – we can choose to love, to be resilient and to grow. Embrace this journey, keep your heart open to learn from all experiences and flow with the changes.

“What you focus on you shall attract”
– not merely by thinking it but feeling it at your core!

Reset…Your life is precious so take good care of yourself – all aspects of yourself! Celebrates every breathe!

Stay healthy, happy and safe!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Your sharing, feedback and comments are always appreciated